Friday, February 11, 2011

Open Mike Night

I have so many stories to write. I have more to write down almost ever night. Sometimes it overwhelms me.  I have several I want to get down on this blog, but they need a little work. So tonight, I will not write anything.  I want to make sure what I write on this blog is the best I can do.

So for tonight, I hope you have a nice night of sleep and have wonderful dreams.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's only a dream

Sometime I dream about dreaming. Weird, I know. But this one is great and had to be shared. Hope you like it.

Chapter one

A Dream Come True

"Where is he?" I whispered. My breath making frosty puffs of smoke. Leaning as far as I could from the second story window. I looked into the moonless night straining to see him. 
"He must come." It's been too long. There! something moving, between the trees? Yes! Yes, it must be him. I can make out a shadowy figure.
He walks slowly to the house ever watchful that someone may see him. As he comes up to the shrubs surrounding the house he looks up to see me.  I motion to him with my hands to come on. He grabs the rose trellious and begains to climb.  As his head becomes even with my window, I back up to give him room to climb over. Now, finally, he is here. I'm so excited I cannot move. So I just look at him. I notice his wind tousled brown hair, his deep blue eyes. Eyes that fairly steam with the heat between us. A very sexy man stands before me. Me. For me alone.
He takes a step forward and at the same time starts to take his shirt off. Shirtless, he reaches for me. I can see the fine muscles of his chest and arms. The ripples of muscles of his stomach. I cannot breath. My body begins to quiver with want. The warmth of passion spreads over my body. Soon... soon we will be together forever.
He reaches out to take my hand, lifting it slowly as if to kiss it. He looks deep into my eyes.
"Mom! Mommy!" He says in a child like voice.
I blink. "What?"
Instead of a kiss that I long for he tugs and pulls my hand.
"Mommy, can I have my cereal in the big, red cup?"
Oh shit. I open my eyes to see my oldest boy tugging and shaking my had to wake me.
"What." I mumble, "what is it son?"
"Mommy, I want to go down stairs and have my cereal in the big, red cup," insisted Alex.
Slowly I pulled my hand from Alex's grip and rolled over to catch a glance of the alarm clock at the head of the bed. 7:00 AM it tells me. I close my eyes again in hopes of recapturing the god like man of my dreams.
"Mommy," whined Alex.
My eyes pop open, "Yes, Alex, you can now get out," I say warningly.
Alex moves towards the door, saying, "Mom. Alice is awake and hanging over the side of her crib."
Oh crap. Another day has begun.

The End

Friday, February 4, 2011

To continue...

This is the rest of yesterdays story. Sometimes I can keep a story going longer in my mind. But mostly once the stories get too long and I move on to a new one.

Chapter One
Just a Flash - continued

Now, I know what what this is called, ESP, but I never, never had any kind of ESP. Not even a P. I've tried to tell my Doctor what was happening to me, but if he couldn't test it. he didn't believe it. My loving husband of five years, at first was major freaked. John, is nit-picking me to death!
"Shady, you need to help keep up with the house work, Shady could you please pick up your clothes. " Shady this and Shady that. He doesn't like the new me. So what happened at the mall this morning has totally pissed him off.
I wanted to get out. After the long recovery, I was going stir crazy and ready to get out with people and freedom. So, okay, I'll admit it, I wanted to listen to other people's minds, thoughts, ideas, whatever. John was so boring to "listen" to. Same old stuff all the time. Fix something, clean something or pay something, with the occasional " I wish it was like before" Oh, I knew he didn't mean it. But enough was enough. Believe me, after the initial shock it gets old.
John wouldn't let me go alone, so off we went. The mall is like any in any where USA. I wanted to look for a dress and John wanted to look for books so once we arrived, we split up and went our separate ways, So much for watching over me.. It happened when I past the satellite bank tucked in the end of the mall. I heard it as clear as day.  They were going to rob the bank!

The end and until next time

Thursday, February 3, 2011

One Night at a Time

I wanted to clarify how this works in my mind. 
I don't ever have the whole story in just one night.  I start with an idea and fill in the beginning. The next night I start with the beginning and add the next bit to it. And so on and so on. Till finally the story is too long to keep going in my head.
I sometime wish I had the patients to finish one of these stories. I know one of them would be great. But.. oh well. I'm really not a great writer. Just wanted to get the older stories out of my head and hope that someone would like them.

Chapter One
Just A Flash

The most asked question I get about that day is "what did it feel like?" I say the same thing ever time. I. Don't. Remember. Being struck by lightening will do that to you. One minute I'm cleaning the pool minding my own, you know, and the next was three weeks later. Waking up in the burn unit of my local hospital.

That Saturday started out in a mad rush and just kept getting busier and busier. We had planned a BBQ for friends and family that day. I had a list of thing to do and one of them was cleaning out the pool .  Not my favorite thing to do. Normally my husband does it. However, he had to go into the office that day. Of course. I didn't have time for this chore. The sky had become darker as the day went. So after throwing a casserole together and popping it in the oven, I decided to get it over with. I had a list and cleaning the pool had to be checked off.  I probably knew that being around water with one end of a metal rod in my hands and the other end surrounded by water with a storm coming on fast was not a brilliant idea. But I was a major list keeper and it had to be done.

With storm clouds gathering and the wind whipping around, blowing even more leaves into the pool. I kept at it. In the back of my mind I went over all the things I finished for the day and the million things I had yet to get done. I heard thunder and sped up the sweeping.  When I was just about done, I heard the back door open, looking up I saw my husband waving to me. My mood lifted. I was just about to wave back when a bright light seemed to surround me.  That was the last I know of anything till three weeks later.

The next most asked questions is, "how are you now?" This questions is not so easy to answer. A years has past and I am almost back to normal. Physically. I had to have surgery to repair, in no particular order, nose left ear, skin grafts on my hands, left elbow and left hip.  Also, several internal organs fried to a crisp, had to be removed. Thankfully, nothing I couldn't live without.  Who know every body carried a few spare parts.  My normally straight black hair that used to hand down my back was cut short to remove the burnt ends, real short. Now I have a head of ringlets.  You know that joke about sticking your finger in an electrical socket will curl your hair?  It's no joke.  I'm still the same height, five feet six and I have lost about twenty pounds, real plus there, but basically I look the same on the outside.

Same face, same brown eyes, but a few less eye lashes a. I can look in a mirror and not faint at the sight,  I guess you could say I'm a "looker" but it will take some time for me to get use to the new, outline of my face.

My mind, my brain, whatever it is that makes up your personality, that has been the biggest change. My Doctor says the electrical change has messed with the electrical nodes in my brain. So now they are charged differently and I may experience a altering of certain personality traits. Let me try to explain. I was once a line by line thinker. Give me a list and I would bust butt to get done. I was organized and asymmetrical. Now, I guess you could call me an air-head. I can't keep two thoughts together. I move from one thing to another without completing anything. But the kicker is, I don't care! I'm happy. Weird. It's like I've always been this way.
Now, you may say this is all survivable and you would be right. But, hang on to your hat, I hear voices! No, really. Like I was some kind of radio receiver. I don't mean voices that tell me to do bad thinks, like shoot the President and stuff, I. I'm talking about voices from other people. Like I'm hearing their thoughts.

To be continued.....

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Stories I Have to Tell

I have a terrible time trying to sleep. I just can't put my head down and sleep. I toss and turn. I'm too hot then too cold. The bed is too hard and the pillows too soft. The next night the bed is too soft and the pillows too hard.  What's up with this. 

I've tried pills of all kinds. Even have a drink or two. Nothing seems to work. Nothing at all... until I started making up stories in my head. This is the very thing that works. I make up some great stories too. However, it works so well I never make it to chapter two!

Well I thought the stories are so good, I thought I would blog them. I hope that you will enjoy them as well as I do.  Even thought the stories help me fall asleep, they are anything but boring.

A Witch's Sneeze
Chapter One
The sneeze echoed off the walls and bounced back with the force of a small bomb.  Atlanta moaned and let her head fall loosely on the pillows.  She was ready to die, now. How sick could a person get? She sneezed again, this time something did explode. As she watched, a china figurine on the top shelve launched itself up with such force that, not only did it shattered, raining small particles of porcelain, it made a nice little hole in the ceiling.
Atlanta moaned, "Shit."
She was so sick, she couldn't even really get work up over the mess.  Besides, it wasn't the first time this had happened since she had come down with the flu three days ago.  Atlanta  Birmingham had been blessed to be born the seventh child of a seventh child of... well you get the picture, going back seven generations. At twenty-two she was still exploring her gifted powers and blowing things up when sick was just one the perks.

She sneezed again and waited. A stuffed teddy bear sitting on rocking chair in the corner, shot across the room into the open closet. She shook her head and reached for a new box of tissue that was on her nightstand. Knocking  the empty box onto  the floor.  Looking around on her bed for her noise spray she dumped used tissue onto the floor , moved various bottles of medicine, and pushed aside the opening box of crackers.  Still not seeing the precious noise spray. She leaned over the side of the bed looking behind the humidifier, picking through more used tissue and even peering into her bunnie slippers. Nothing.  Wherer was the damm noise spray! Pulling her self upright, she felt a sneeze coming.  Grabing a pillow, she buried her face and let go with a muffled sneese.  An explosion could be heard in the other part of the apartment.  She lifted her head and thought maybe it was in the kitchen.  Turning to put the pillow aside, she spotted her noise spray. "Hallalula", she sang hoarsely.

As she unscrewed the top she heard the front door open and slam shut.
"Hey, Al!" a male voice rang out.
Leaning sideways to see out her bedroom door and down the hall, she watched her twin brother, Augusta Mark walking towards her room.  He was a tall, dark, good-looking man, with his curly, dark brown hair, that always needed a cut. His light brown, bedroom eyes, identical to hers, .
"Al, I need your help.  I want to ge this boat I saw down at the bay. It's a beauty and only six thousand. So, I was thinking of two or three horse races with good odds." He rambled on not even looking from the race form in his hand. Stopping at the edge of her room, he leaned on the door frame and continued on.

"If you could see this boat you would just flip.  I was out with Barbara, you remember her, she's the gal you met at that beach party last month..."
"Mark," Atlanta cut in.
"...Well, she knows about boats and she said..."
"Mark," She tried again to get his full attention.
"...It's a great deal,. So if I can get the money together it will be..."
"Augusta Mark! Will you use the gifts you were born with and look at me!" Atlanta shouted as loud as her sore throat would allow.
Mark finally focused on her instead of dreaming of boats and easy money on horse races.
"Good grief, Al, you look like you're sick"
She rolled her eyes and sneezed.  The picture on the wall next to him jumped into the air, flew in a circle and dropped like a rock to the floor, smashed to pieces with glass flying across the carpet.
Mark jumped back out of harms way.  He let loose with a long, low whistle.
" Oh man, are you sick" He came into the room to the end of the bed.  Looking intenly are her.
"Your color is off." He said in a soft, low tone. " Kind of redish orange surrounded with a dark grey. He waved his hand in a circler motion. He hesitated.
"What" Atlanta asked?
"Well, kind of a dark grey."
Mark could read auras. He could tell you all about a person based solely on "colors" he was an expert and almost always right.

" I can just imagen" groused Atlanta, letting her head oncce agian fall back onto the pillows.

Mark looked around the room. taking in the scattered medicine bottles, old tissues on the bed and turning in a tight circle, saw all the broken shards of pottery and prociline on the shelves and carpet.
Atlanta or "AL" to friends and some family members, was the oldest by five minutes. Making her the official seventh child and Mark the eighth. Never in the families long history had a seventh child been a twin. So Mark was setting some new ground. He had several powers, but nothing that like Atlanta was gifted with.

ZZZZzzzzzz..Good night