Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's only a dream

Sometime I dream about dreaming. Weird, I know. But this one is great and had to be shared. Hope you like it.

Chapter one

A Dream Come True

"Where is he?" I whispered. My breath making frosty puffs of smoke. Leaning as far as I could from the second story window. I looked into the moonless night straining to see him. 
"He must come." It's been too long. There! something moving, between the trees? Yes! Yes, it must be him. I can make out a shadowy figure.
He walks slowly to the house ever watchful that someone may see him. As he comes up to the shrubs surrounding the house he looks up to see me.  I motion to him with my hands to come on. He grabs the rose trellious and begains to climb.  As his head becomes even with my window, I back up to give him room to climb over. Now, finally, he is here. I'm so excited I cannot move. So I just look at him. I notice his wind tousled brown hair, his deep blue eyes. Eyes that fairly steam with the heat between us. A very sexy man stands before me. Me. For me alone.
He takes a step forward and at the same time starts to take his shirt off. Shirtless, he reaches for me. I can see the fine muscles of his chest and arms. The ripples of muscles of his stomach. I cannot breath. My body begins to quiver with want. The warmth of passion spreads over my body. Soon... soon we will be together forever.
He reaches out to take my hand, lifting it slowly as if to kiss it. He looks deep into my eyes.
"Mom! Mommy!" He says in a child like voice.
I blink. "What?"
Instead of a kiss that I long for he tugs and pulls my hand.
"Mommy, can I have my cereal in the big, red cup?"
Oh shit. I open my eyes to see my oldest boy tugging and shaking my had to wake me.
"What." I mumble, "what is it son?"
"Mommy, I want to go down stairs and have my cereal in the big, red cup," insisted Alex.
Slowly I pulled my hand from Alex's grip and rolled over to catch a glance of the alarm clock at the head of the bed. 7:00 AM it tells me. I close my eyes again in hopes of recapturing the god like man of my dreams.
"Mommy," whined Alex.
My eyes pop open, "Yes, Alex, you can now get out," I say warningly.
Alex moves towards the door, saying, "Mom. Alice is awake and hanging over the side of her crib."
Oh crap. Another day has begun.

The End

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